Free LIVE workshop for moms & midlife women!

Why ditching your New Year’s Resolutions could be your best move of 2024

and how to set your intentions instead for a purpose-filled year ahead (and beyond)!

January 24, 2024

7:00pm est.

We’re 1 month into the year and I have a sneaking suspicion…

…that the resolutions you made only weeks ago are beginning to crumble

And that’s at no fault of your own!

Somehow we’ve been ‘trained’ to begin the new year in a way that can only set us up for failure.

Not only that…  rigid and unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions only lead to disappointment, self-doubt and a totally avoidable lack of purpose.

I’m here to help you focus on what really matters in 2024 and beyond.

Without unnecessary pressure!

Join me in this FREE live workshop as I challenge how we as a society approach a new year (and life):

This FREE live workshop will shift your perspective on resolutions and open you up to a powerful, purpose-led alternative.

Why New Year’s Resolutions can only lead to failure

And what to do instead!

The 5 steps of visualization

And how they can revolutionize your approach for good!

The Stop-Start-Continue Framework

And why it’s so powerful, especially at this time of the year!

If you’re ready to set your intentions for a purpose-filled 2024…

…then this workshop won’t disappoint

This FREE (virtual) workshop is perfect for you if you…

  • Already feel disheartened by the burden of your crumbling New Year’s Resolutions

  • Never set your intentions for 2024, but you want to go about it in a smarter, purpose-led way

  • Don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions but are open to better ways to set your intentions for the year ahead

It’s perfect for you if you are generally curious how purpose-led intentions can be your best friend whenever you need direction and focus for your life.

Need more reasons to say YES to attending this year's workshop?

Hi, I’m Jodi

Speaker, Mindset, Happiness Coach & Chief Dare Officer at Moms Who Dare®

Moms and midlife women like you deserve to thrive in every stage of life; that’s why I’m on a mission to help you thrive in empty nest and beyond, through connection, daring, growth and purpose-led intentions. 

As a certified Life Coach, I know what it takes to condition your brain so you can see, hear, and feel what’s possible AND achievable for you.

In this workshop, we’ll explore together how you can step away from the self-imposed pressures of resolutions and replace them with a much smarter way of working towards your biggest desires with clarity and purpose.


January 24th at 7pm est via zoom!

 If you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet, then this is my personal invite for you to join me for this amazing workshop.

And at the end of the workshop…

…I’ll present an opportunity to map out our year for success with me (and score a FREE month inside the Moms Who Double Dare Community)

Can’t show up live?

Life gets busy, which is why I’ll send out a workshop recording to those who registered within 24 hours of the event.

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